About JupiterDC

General information about company

Jupiter Datacenter Indonesia (JupiterDC) a subsidiary of PT. Jupiter Jala Arta has established a leadership position in the web server colocation industry with cloud technology by meet the every need of small-to-medium sized business with best-of-breed colocation solutions and by providing comprehensive, instantly scalable technologies to a broad spectrum of customers.

Organisations from around the world rely on our highly-connected, resilient and secure data center to maximise the efficiency of their IT operations, reduce overall risk, and free them to focus on their own core business.

Our own network connected to the major national and international telecoms operators, content distribution networks and internet exchanges. Supported by a large capacity of international bandwidth (STM-1), your data-transfer activities will surely be reliable and smooth.

We also have direct connections to the Indonesia Internet Exchange (IIX), OpenIXP (NiCE), Pegascom (SDIIX), Telkom and Indosat as well, in addition to a number of private peering connections with other local ISPs, thus strategically positioned Jupiter right in the center of the Indonesian Internet infrastructure.

Our services range from single server, half racks to dedicated cages and cloud computing to dedicated machine. Whatever your requirements, our team of experts can advise you on implementing the best solution.

  • Terima kasih pak untuk supportnya yang sangat tanggap dan tetaplah membuat kami pelanggan jupiterdc merasa nyaman dan aman berbisnis dengan jupiterdc.

    Peter Sindoro
    Peter Sindoro Web Developer
  • Sering minta reboot respon support cukup responsif ga sampe 5 menit server sudah UP lagi, untuk bisnis spt saya respon yang cepat sangat dibutuhkan, Bravo JupiterDC.

    Ahmad Wahyu D.
    Ahmad Wahyu D. SMS Blast
  • Beruntung sekali menemukan Jupiterdc, dengan Solusi Half Racknya nggak perlu lagi ngeluarin cost lebih buat sewa Full Rack karena kantor hanya perlu 1/2 Rack saja.

    Staf IT
    Staf IT Raya Ventura

  • E. Junaedy
    E. Junaedy CEO
  • L. Lestia
    L. Lestia CFO
  • Naka Septian
    Naka Septian COO
  • R. Ginan
    R. Ginan CMO
  • Gilang
    Gilang CSO
  • Rega Prastyo
    Rega Prastyo CIO


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